A Rule is a Rule…7/30/12

If you don’t know by now, I’m a HUGE Seinfeld fan and I believe that every situation in life relates back to an episode of this fantabulous show. After being unofficial for so long, the following rules below are now OFFICIAL. Read them, learn them, love them. Nobody is immune!

“…Hey, a rule is a rule. And let’s face it, without rules, there is chaos!”
These (probably obvious) rules will help everyone get the most out of their experience at CrossFit For Glory:

  1. Arrive early and stay late. Cheer, clap, and encourage others. Anything less is to cheat yourself of the experience, and to rob others of the gift of your presence and support as part of the community. Besides, if you’re late, it’s 1 burpee per minute. Go ahead and set all your clocks to the one that times your WODs.
  2. Engage your brain when you walk in the door. Be aware and respectful of your surroundings. If there is teaching going on, stay quiet so people can hear and learn. If there is a WOD going on, stay out of the way and off the equipment until your class begins.
  3. Accidents and injuries happen and usually come as a result of impatience. Don’t be greedy. Slow down. Ask questions. Ask for help. Check your ego at the door.
  4. EMPTY barbells (or those with only metal plates) were not designed to be dropped. We don’t want our toys, our rubber flooring, you, or someone else broken unnecessarily. Dropping empty barbells is 100 burpees per occurrence.
  5. Chalk is useful, even necessary. It is also messy. Use as much as you need, but keep the excess inside the chalk bucket because all the extra dust covers everything in the entire gym and makes it very hard to keep the clean atmosphere you’ve become used to.
  6. Clean up and put away all equipment after each workout. Put it back where/how you found it. Rogue weights go with Rogue weights, and 15lb plates don’t want to be caught in the same stack as 10lb plates.
  7. Clean up sweat, blood, chalk, dirt, vomit, hand-prints, and whatever else you’ve left behind.
  8. Grunting, screaming, and otherwise making noise are all welcome and encouraged during a workout. There is such a thing as gentle, quiet strength, although most of us haven’t mastered that yet. Also remember that there can be such a thing as too loud, crass, gross, or rude – please be respectful.
  9. Kids are certainly welcome at all times, but we do not run a babysitting service. Please be sure they are off the floor while class is going on and that they are respectful of their surroundings.
  10. And regarding any burpee incentives… you may cry and whine all you want, as long as we can hear you counting.

(These rules were taken and slightly modified from CF LA’s Gym Rules)

A. Skill:
12min AMRAP –
50 Double Unders
7 Hang Power Snatch
7 Overhead Squats

people working out in a group fitness class


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