
In case you weren’t redirected from another, much more important, page then you should probably read this…we’re a big deal: USA Weightlifting Course Hosting!
If you are participating in the LBM Experiment, you have this week to complete the baseline WOD. We will have it programmed for the whole gym on Thursday, but if you cannot make it that day then it is UP TO YOU to do it during a class you are at. Simply let the coach know that you intend to do the baseline WOD instead of that days programming. Weights and times must be verified by the coach. And sorry – NO DOUBLE DIPPING! Meaning you can’t do it twice.
A. Skill:
Double Under Practice –
10min EMOM
30s Practice, 30s Rest
Options (ranging from absolute beginner to advanced):
a) Attempts
b) Single-Single-Double
c) Alternating Single-Double
d) Continuous, but controllable, sets
e) Specific sets just under your biggest max effort set
f) Unbroken
LAX + Hip Flexor: 2min ea side
This could best be described as a sprint chipper…
For Time:
Row 36 Calories
30 Thrusters (95/65)
24 Chest to Bar Pull-Ups
D. Post-WOD Recovery:
LAX + Glute – 2min ea side

people working out in a group fitness class


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