
Hey gang, in case you missed it last week, I laid out the basic plan we have marching forward to the Open season. Basically that we will be hitting a few key movements each week to shore up some overall weaknesses. The takeaway from the whole post was this: “the improvement on your end can only be realized if you are consistent on attending on these specific days.”
What does that mean for you?
Well, if you got sore from something new last week, DO NOT AVOID IT this week…or any other. The more exposure you get to a new movement, the better off you’ll be able to handle it; remember when you first started and weren’t yet used to the volume of squatting we do?



Last week the bathroom was on the fritz. Well, Saturday evening it was fixed. For all of FIVE minutes. We’re covered in terms of drinking water, but take care of your other business at home. I will keep you all updated on our FB page. Sorry for this inconvenience!


A. Skill:

Bulgarian Split Squats – 4×10 (5 ea leg!), heavier than last week


Hip Flexors (couch stretch, LAX ball, something like that!)


10min AMRAP –

10 Hand-Release PAUSE Push-Ups

10 Toes to Bar

*Note: 1) Pause push-ups = holding the TOP of each push-up for a 2 second count.

2) For those that cannot count to TWO properly, we’ll be glad to set up a timer in front of your work station to help…

people working out in a group fitness class


Talk with a coach to see if working out at Coaching For Glory is right for you.
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