Extra Work, Week of 9/1/14

Here is the extra work for the week of 9/1/14:
Endurance Focus : Week 5 of 12
Day 1 – 
6×400 w/ 2min rest

Day 2 – 
3×800 time trials w/ 5min rest (ALL OUT every single one!)

Day 3 – 
5k @ 10k time trial pace
Strength Focus : Week 7 of 10
Day 1 (Tuesday)

Front/Back Squat – 6 x 2/4 @ 95% 1RM Front Squat

Day 2 –

Front/Back Squat – 6×2/4 @ 94% of Day 1 (remember, this will be 94% of the 90% you do on Tuesday)

Pull-Up Focus : Last week of foundation building.

Day 1 – Tempo Pull-Ups w/ Goal of Quantity/Volume f/ Strength/Eccentric Loading
5×5 @ 30X3 (3 seconds down, zero time in the hang, jump/pull to top, hold chin over bar 3 seconds), rest 60-90s
Day 2 – Strict Weighted or Band Assisted Pull-Ups f/ Quality/Volume, Hypertrophy
5×10 w/ weight or band that allows you to finish sets comfortably, rest 30-45s
Day 3 – Body Control Practice, do these in circuit fashion.
a. Hands & Feet Hollow Hold w/ Feet Anchored – 5 x ME Hold, rest 30s
b. Arch to Hollow Med-Ball Throws – 5 x 10, rest 30s
c. Hollow to BIG Arch to BIG Hollow – 5 x 10, drop and reset, rest 30s
Rowing Focus : Pay attention to stroke rate, designated on the monitor as “S/M”
2 x 2000m rate increase / 4 min easy
Row two 2000 meter pieces. In each piece, row the first 1000 meters @ 26 spm. Then 500 meters @ 28 spm, 250 meters @ 30 spm and 250 meters @ 32 spm. Row for four minutes at light pressure during the rest period.

people working out in a group fitness class


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