Nine O'Clock? or Pain Train? 5/10/13

In our ongoing effort to provide each and every one of you with the best possible experience at CrossFit For Glory, there are a few housekeeping items that I want to bring to light:
The 10am Saturday class is geared towards our experienced members – it is much more fast paced than our traditional classes. Once you have mastered the ability to identify and execute our fundamental barbell and gymnastic movements, you are ready to participate in this class. These movements include: the snatch, clean & jerk, front squat, back squat, overhead squat, press, push press, push jerk, split jerk, thruster, deadlift, push-up, pull-up, handstand variations, and ring movements.
Having said that, the 9am Saturday class is reserved for beginners only. This class is designed to teach the most foundational movements we do, with a heavy emphasis on the mechanics. We aim to go deliberately slow in teaching even the most nuanced portions of the movements in order to set people up on the course of solid movement patterns. The 9am session also serves as our intro class to new people interested in joining the gym. As such, we want this class to be as inviting and non-intimidating as possible.
Please be sure to come to the class that is appropriate for your level of experience. This is extremely important for us to keep the flow and feel of each class as it should be. The 10am is unofficially something we coaches take pride in inviting people to come to. On the flip side, if you belong in the 10am class, DO NOT come to 9am! Come later or take a probably much needed rest day.
Not sure where you belong? Ask one of your coaches next time you are in.
Remember, our goal is to provide you with the best training experience as possible, but we need your help to do that. Making sure you are in the right Saturday class is a piece of that puzzle!
Bring the heat, er I mean your LEGS, for today! IMG 8586
A. Skill:
Back Squat – 1×20
**Note: This is designed to be a MAXIMAL set, done unbroken. The recommendation is to use __% (I purposely left that number blank so you don’t freak out!) of your most recent 1RM. You must be sure to hit absolute depth with every single rep.
Mid-Line Isometric Prep
3 RFR –
90s ME Double Unders
45s Rest
90s ME Burpees
45s rest

people working out in a group fitness class


Talk with a coach to see if working out at Coaching For Glory is right for you.
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