Good Luck Alicia…1/9/14

As many of you know, Alicia Derksen was crazy enough to sign up for the Dopey Challenge at Disney. In case you don’t know what that entails – it’s 48.6 MILES of running in a 4-day stretch! That’s right, FORTY-EIGHT POINT SIX MILES!! 5k, 10k, Half Marathon, Full Marathon. The fun starts for her bright and early this morning and she is done on Sunday. Please please please wish her “Good Luck” either on the post here or on her FB page! To commemorate her run, I would like to share my favorite photo of Alicia ‘running’ of all time:

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I won’t be on your back, but I’ll be with you in spirit!!

Well, true to form, the cherry-pickers didn’t show up, so no 700 burpees for me! However, the 7PM class sure made a run at making me do a lot of burpees…check out this pic:
IMG 0359


Leader board update for the TLC 2.0 is coming out later today – so keep an eye out for it!

A. Skill:
Split Jerk – 15min to Heavy Single (hold f/ 3s in split position)
T-Spine w/ Foam Roll and Barbell
Power Clean (95/65)
OH Walking Lunge, ea leg (same bar)

people working out in a group fitness class


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