Did you read Coach Mark’s blog post “What I Learned From a 5th Place Finish?”
A. Weightlifting:
You will have 12 minutes to work on ONE of the following weightlifting skills:
1) Beginners will do overhead squats – work to 3RM
2) Intermediate will do snatch balance – work to 3RM
LAX + T-Spine – 2 x 45s
For Time:
Run 800m
60 OH Lunges w/ Plate (45/25)
Run 800m
RX+ :
Run 800m
30 Overhead Squats (135/95)
Run 800m
1) Time Cap?
2) If you cannot overhead squat with fairly decent mechanics, then take OH lunge option.
3) If you choose to overhead squat, but your depth is questionable, you will squat down to a medball each rep.
D. Post-WOD Recovery:
Calf Smash – 2min ea side
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