Four Tips to Help You Lose Weight!

New Year’s resolution wearing off? Still got some of 2016 hanging onto you?
Let’s face it, our Florida winter is almost over. Spring is on the way – and with it, outdoors, pools, and beaches.
We all want to lose some extra weight and look better.  We can help through all 4 aspects of looking, and feeling, your best.  Remember this: “N-FIT”
1. Nutrition:  You can’t out train a bad diet. It doesn’t matter how much or how little you exercise if you don’t eat right.  Getting your nutrition in order is the first step toward weight loss.  Knowing what you eat and what’s in what you eat is the first step toward getting your body in the shape you want it.  Write it down or better yet, use one of the apps out there to help you track the food you eat. Just writing it down will help you curb your intake.  Many of us use MyFitnessPal to track calories and, more importantly, our “macros.”  You can research what your numbers need to be or come to us and use our nutrition coach to help you make that lifestyle change. She’ll even go shopping with you to get you started.
2. Frequency:  Consistency is key. Recent studies have indicated that yes, it is possible to get all of your “fitness” in in a weekend.  However, to lose weight and keep it off, you need to create a habit of movement – proper movement.  If you exercise frequently it turns into a habit. Habits are hard to break.  Make exercise – movement- a part of your daily routine until it is routine.  Our classes are a great way to increasing the frequency of your exercise.  It isn’t the class though; it actually is having a group of supportive people just like you that you’ll want to see and who want to see you in our “box.”
3. Intensity: Intensity is where the results are.  “Vigorous” activity burns more fat and creates some muscle that amps up your fat burning even while you rest.  Skip the “fat-burning zone” on the dreadmill and spend a few minutes each day ramping up your intensity.  You can absolutely do this on your own, but it’s hard because its uncomfortable.  Under the trained eye of our experienced coaches you can become comfortable being uncomfortable and get the intensity your body needs.
4. Time:  Thirty minutes a day is the basic level we need for health.  You’re reading this. You want more than “health”.  Along with frequent exercise that has some intensity, you also need to spend some time in each session.  8-minute abs? Do you know anyone where that actually worked? The government recommends that the minimum amount of exercise you need each week is 150 minutes; 75 minutes if it is vigorous. Our classes are structured to help you meet, or exceed, those basic levels.
N-FIT. It’s simple.  That doesn’t mean it’s easy. Nothing worthwhile ever is. If you think YOU are worthwhile, and you want help losing weight, looking better, and feeling more capable (because you will be!), then give us a call. Better yet, just schedule a ‘No Sweat Intro” right here:

people working out in a group fitness class


Talk with a coach to see if working out at Coaching For Glory is right for you.
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